Meet the coach of the Cyclopaths, Brett Herzog
A new CCAP youth MTB'ing team is riding in the Glastonbury / Manchester / Vernon area this Spring. Case Mountain is one of the best places to ride in Connecticut, and the Cyclopaths are ready to tear it up there!
We caught up with the CCAP's newest coach, Brett Herzog, to learn more about his plans for the Cyclopaths and his thoughts on introducing young riders to the sport. Here’s what he had to share:
CCAP: What excites you about leading the CCAP Cyclopaths this season?
Brett: I’m excited to coach the Cyclopaths this year because I want to help new generations of cyclists find the joy and accomplishment that cycling has brought to me throughout my life.
CCAP: Whether young or old, cycling is for everyone!
Brett: I want more kids to feel the amazing feeling of clearing a section that has always hung them up.
CCAP: What will a ride with the Cyclopaths be like?
Brett: While on our rides, we will pause at more technical sections and “session” them. Trying skills repeatedly helps with quicker progression. I will teach the kids about basic trail etiquette and ethics. I think it is important to provide a good image for mountain biking. I will stress respect for our trails and those that built and maintain them. I will have 1 or 2 rides where we stop and take time to block trail braids. Case Mountain has plenty! We will help give back!
Brett is one of the awesome youth-cycling-supporting-staff at Pedal Power.
CCAP: What has inspired you to make the leap to leading a team?
Brett: I love what CCAP is doing, more kids outside on bikes! I was never into video games or frankly, stick and ball sports. My dad was a cyclist. I started riding road with him when I was 9 years old, also got into mountain biking, and I never stopped. Now I ride with and coach my son and it is a wonderful experience. I want to share my view of the joy that bicycles can bring.
CCAP: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to young riders just starting out in the program?
Brett: If I had one piece of advice to kids just starting out in the sport, it would be to be fair to yourself. Know that this is a challenging sport, and it takes time to learn. Stick with it, and don’t let frustration get the better of you! There’s a lot of rocks out there!
CCAP: We couldn’t have said it better, Brett. THANK YOU. We can’t wait to support you and your team this season and beyond!
If you are interested in helping coach a CCAP team, drop us a line!