“You learn so much. You learn discipline, you learn how to suffer, and you make friends doing it all”
As young athletes like Nate prepare to take their next big step, leaving behind the familiar roads and events of Connecticut, they carry with them the lessons learned and the friendships formed through years of cycling with CCAP.
For coaches and supporters alike, his story serves as a reminder of the lasting impact we can have on these athletes, guiding them to victories, growth, resilience, and lifelong passion. As Nate reflects on his journey, it’s clear that the mentors and team environment played a pivotal role in shaping his path. His story begs the question—what role can you play in inspiring the next generation of cyclists? Coaching a team may be the most rewarding way to find out.
CCAP: OK, Nate you are getting ready to ship off for college in the Netherlands. What are you going to miss most from here in Connecticut?
NATE: I will miss the New Haven Grand Prix. It's the most fun race, and it's just awesome. I will definitely miss that. I will also miss the cyclocross season. Seeing all my friends at the local races. I am going to miss all the CT CX races I know.
CCAP: Are there any other events that you'll miss?
NATE: Mansfield CX... The best CX race! NoHo (CX). Really Rad (CX). On the road, you know the 'Rent was always a lot of fun. New Britian, which is my mom's race of course. Tour of Sommerville as well.
CCAP: Why Sommerville?
NATE: It's awesome! It's a lot like New Haven. There are tons of people everywhere. You go tons faster when there are that many people cheering you on!
CCAP: Who has influenced you as you have come up over the years?
NATE: Oh, man. All the coaches! Morgan (Rueckert), Hunter (Pronovost), Matt Waz, Dave Hoyle, and my own mother (Laura Summers) ! I feel like they were the foundation. Those coaches... And (joking) all the bumping drills!
CCAP: What does / did it mean to you to have such a successful racer for a mom?
NATE: It was inspirational. When I was the age of just getting started, kids races, my mom was, like, in her prime. It felt like she was winning everything. She was national champion in 2011. That is when I was starting to ride the bike, and so that was super inspirational.
Nate won the Chris Thater Crit in New York back in 2016 as a 10-year-old.
CCAP: If you could, what would you go back to tell your 10-year-old self back then?
NATE: Have fun and ride more! Ride once a week for sure, twice a week even! Ride a bit more. Train a bit more. Have fun. Yea, that's it, ride more.
CCAP: So you are going to Europe. What are you looking forward to there?
NATE: I'm looking forward to riding bikes! I'm psyched to be in a county where most people are 6'2" and over 4.9 w/KG at threshold! I'm just going to sit in the draft and never have to do any work at all! It's going to be amazing. I am looking forward to destroying all those super technical road courses with all my CCAP-learned skills!
CCAP: Where would you be without cycling and the CCAP?
NATE: I don't think I would have bike racing without CCAP, and bike racing is the best. You learn so much. You learn discipline, you learn how to suffer and you make friends doing it all.
CCAP: So, you don't think you would be racing bikes?
NATE: Well, it's not that I wouldn't have started. But the team definitely kept me going when I was younger, as did all the friends I had. That's why I went to the CCAP team practices and races. It wasn't because I was good or fast. But then, when I started training when I got older, I got tired of being slow, and I learned all these other things.
CCAP: What are some of your most fond CCAP memories?
NATE: There are so many. The CCAP Junior Travel Team 2022. Nationals in Hartford. I didn't do very well, but it was a lot of fun. Going out with the travel team and doing Really Rad in the heat. All good memories. Rocky Hill, where everyone is back racing CX and everyone is excited to see each other. Everyone is racing the same race. Very fun. Rail Trailer practices from back in the day. When I was younger, those were fun.
CCAP: Where do you see yourself, cycling-wise, in 10 years?
NATE: OMG, I will be 28... Hopefully in my prime! Holding onto and enjoying my cycling prime.
CCAP: What about coaching a CCAP youth team
NATE: Oh hmmm, I don't know any of those details. That's far in the future. I don't know where I am going to be living!
The CCAP’s mission is to give kids like Nate the pathway to take cycling as far as they want!
Please show your support by volunteering at one of our events or, even better, mentoring a local cycling team.
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